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Nubis Novem

Consulting On Cloud Nine

Tag: Palo Alto

Handling multiple external IP addresses with Palo Alto PA-3020

Another showcase with Palo Alto PA-3020 firewall hardware device by Palo Alto Networks running PAN OS 6.0 (PA-3000 series). This time we would like to discuss a use of multiple IP addresses on the external interface. Say, you are running into a situation where more than one HTTPS web services should be offered to the public, but they are based on separate hardware resources internally. The simple solution would be to use another IP address for incoming connection on TCP port 443 and create another NAT policy rule for that additional address.

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Pinning a hole in Palo Alto: NAT forwarding of inbound TCP port

Today our challenge was to create a simple setup that is often called inbound TCP port forwarding, or, a pinhole with a more (or less) advanced firewall device. The network appliance for this cosmetic surgery was one of the recent PAN (Palo Alto Networks) PA-3000 series running PAN OS 6.0. First of all, do not do it. Again, do not do it. And again: please, do not create a destination port forwarding from external network interface into an internal or trusted network behind the firewall. There are other (proper!) techniques that would be better to use for remote network access, dedicated line or VPN (stands for Virtual Private Networking), for instance. Modern VPNs have little overhead and lots of security benefits. Though, for testing purposes only, we have decided to ignore our own advice which was just mentioned above for 3 times.

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