Author: Andrei Spassibojko
Today our challenge was to create a simple setup that is often called inbound TCP port forwarding, or, a pinhole with a more (or less) advanced firewall device. The network appliance for this cosmetic surgery was one of the recent PAN (Palo Alto Networks) PA-3000 series running PAN OS 6.0. First of all, do not do it. Again, do not do it. And again: please, do not create a destination port forwarding from external network interface into an internal or trusted network behind the firewall. There are other (proper!) techniques that would be better to use for remote network access, dedicated line or VPN (stands for Virtual Private Networking), for instance. Modern VPNs have little overhead and lots of security benefits. Though, for testing purposes only, we have decided to ignore our own advice which was just mentioned above for 3 times.
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Say, you have a stand-alone Windows 2008 R2 server that is not part of a domain. You decide that it would make more sense to adjust the server name in the system properties (Computer name – Change) from WinServ1 to a more meaningful WinDevelServ1. After mandatory server reboot you discover that (surprise!) Remote Desktop licensing is not active anymore. A brief error message on dashboard icon makes it clear that you have 120 days to activate the license or else users will lose their ability to connect via Remote Desktop.
What went wrong is one of the gotchas of Windows networking. Server name needs adjustments in various places of the system during name change and the Remote Desktop license server setting is apparently one that they forgot to take care of.
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We have made a trip to data center recently to replace a faulty 900Gb hard drive in a RAID-10 logical volume of a 3.5 year old HP server. In the modern age of cloud hosting we still manage a few physical servers, for various reasons but mostly for our clients. Since last year we knew the drive may fail due to growing number of soft errors and ordered two extra drives in advance to be ready for day X: one as a replacement and another as a spare for that volume.
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What if you had an existing SSL certificate for your static website, say running Apache2 web server. What if you needed to re-use same certificate for a new dynamic Java-based website running Tomcat instance that you were just adding. That would include following steps:
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Welcome to our blog! At first it was assumed that we needed to define a special concept to start a techy blog. That was until we found that there is no need for special concept or vision, or a format. Form, style and content would be created on the fly minding to keep it simple. We will just post here snippets of work findings as we go about our daily projects. Please post your comments when you feel like you have something to share.
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